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English floribunda rose bred by David Austin



Regular price €24,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,30 EUR
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It is sometimes the case that a newcomer rose will stir up strong feelings among your other garden flowers: some will have an instant crush on it, others will be envious and yet others will become invisible next to it. But there is nothing you can do about it, it is all part of the cycle of life. Such a presence is the very Falstaff, an outstanding creation of David Austin, the world-famous English rose breeder.

Falstaff is an exceptional Floribunda, with large, rich dark-crimson flowers and an enticing old-rose fragrance that mesmerizes the other plants as well, let alone humans. The cupped blooms are of exquisite quality and the petals interfold in the centre to astounding effect.

It flowers repeatedly throughout the season, and the shrub can grow to adult heights of 120-150cm.

Quality 1+ (premium) Year 2 bushes, very sturdy, grafted on the best rootstock in the world right now, which gives the roses vigour and great resistance over time.

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