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German hybrid tea rose bred by W. Kordes & Sons



Regular price €18,70 EUR
Regular price Sale price €18,70 EUR
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A yellow hybrid tea, eighties. Neon really. With a warm, clean and strong light. For some rosé lovers, a memory of the most beautiful years. For Reimer Kordes, the one who gave life to it in 1986, in Germany, one of the most beautiful roses ever created. 

And indeed, we at Famous Roses can confirm that its resounding yellow has won over many types of audiences, from die-hard rose lovers to simple gardeners who had come to us to see other varieties of roses, and then seeing the Frisco - the show, they decided to take it home. 

You should know that Frisco feels best in formation with other roses because it stands out through contrast, its yellow becoming the most vocal to viewers who know how to listen to its song. At the same time, in composition with other colors, other volumes and other types of vegetation, it manages to create an exceptional show that you don't want to miss. 

But the best thing is to get a Frisco or several, plant them here and there around the garden and participate live in the entire flowering tour from May until frost. At every performance, Frisco will nonchalantly carry its rich flowers with 35-40 petals, always managing to be 60-100 cm high. 

Recommended for cut flowers in vases and floral arrangements. The cut flower has a resistance of about 5-7 days. 

Quality 1+ (premium). The bushes are from the 2nd year, they are healthy, obtained by grafting on the strongest rootstock in the world, at the present time. It gives the roses vigor and great resistance over time.


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