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English floribunda rose bred by David Austin



Regular price €24,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,30 EUR
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This rose has petals loaded with serenity. Which means that, soon, your garden will be able to read like in a reading room. Only the breeze can be felt on Tranquility's vegetation. Or maybe a bee or two can be heard buzzing through the large flowers so masterfully created by the great David Austin.

Otherwise, just silence. A tranquility in which to leisurely admire the purity of the large flowers made up of about 100 petals each, flowers painted in a shade of pure white with hints of yellow in the center. A tranquility in which to enjoy the soft perfume, with fruity notes that come to complete the perfection of this rose that will continue to bloom again and again throughout the season.

At maturity, Tranquility will reach heights of 90-100 cm. But until then, you'll have all the time in the world to watch it grow every morning when it shakes off the dew, or every sunset when its delicate flowers are painted reddish by the sun.
We at Famous Roses are fascinated by how much a rose as gentle and beautiful as Tranquility can convey. And if you decide to order it, we are here to help you with advice, not just with a guarantee for the grip.

Recommended for cut flowers in vases and floral arrangements. The cut flower has a resistance of about 5 days.

Quality 1+ (premium). The bushes are from the 2nd year, they are healthy, obtained by grafting on the strongest rootstock in the world at the moment. It gives the roses vigor and great resistance over time.

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