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English floribunda rose bred by David Austin

William Shakespeare 2000

William Shakespeare 2000

Regular price €24,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,30 EUR
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Rose lovers already know what to expect when they hear of a David Austin rose. The great rose creator has made his roses into real stars worldwide. This time, he’s bringing out a rose that will quickly win everyone's hearts. It’s William Shakespeare 2000, a spectacular floribunda rose with wonderful, velvety flowers painted in shades of blood red, turning slowly into a gradient of bright purple. Interesting, isn’t it?

The flowers of the William Shakespeare 2000 rose have a strong fragrance of classical old rose. They are clustered in bunches of flowers, repeatedly blooming throughout the season. Its foliage is sturdy and it can grow up to 90-120 cm in height. 

Recommended for cut flowers in vase and floral arrangements. The cut flower has a resistance of about 5 days.

Quality 1+ (premium) Year 2 bushes, very sturdy, grafted on the best rootstock in the world right now, which gives the roses vigour and great resistance over time.

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