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German floribunda rose bred by Kordes



Regular price €15,30 EUR
Regular price Sale price €15,30 EUR
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Besides the famous Climbing Iceberg, in 1958 Reimer Kordes also bred a spectacular Floribunda rose which has ever since kept blooming in thousands of gardens around the world and impressed many an international jury, including an ADR awardin 1960.

Here at Famous Roses, we value it as a truly classic rose and keep delivering it to clients who know how to offer their due appreciation to a rose that made history. Among our many famous roses, this Floribunda Iceberg has a special place in our heart due to its unfeigned, unassuming beauty.

Those of you who still don’t own an Iceberg should know that this is a gorgeous, impressive rose, with heights between 80-150cm, white delicate flowers with up to 24 fragranced petals each. It blooms repeatedly throughout the season in tiny clusters.

Quality 1+ (premium) Year 2 bushes, very sturdy, grafted on the best rootstock in the world right now, which gives the roses vigour and great resistance over time.

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