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English floribunda rose bred by David Austin

Lady Emma Hamilton

Lady Emma Hamilton

Regular price €24,20 EUR
Regular price Sale price €24,20 EUR
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There’s something special about English roses. Their British accent can be heard every time they bloom in your garden. And as a skilled conversationalist, you will always greet them with "Good afternoon, my dazzling roses!", trying to replicate their tone.

Lady Emma Hamilton is one such rose, created by David Austin in 2005.

Lady Emma Hamilton is an unparalleled floribunda rose that won the RHS AWARD of GARDEN MERIT. Its dark-red buds, with traces of orange, will gradually open into delicate tangerine-orange flowers, topped with yellow. Lady Emma Hamilton will easily find its place in your garden. Its flowers have a strong and delicious fragrance with scents of pear, grape and citrus. The foliage is dark green and it can reach up to 1m in height. It blooms repeatedly from May until frost.

Recommended for cut flowers in vase and floral arrangements. The cut flower has a resistance of about 5 days.

Quality 1+ (premium) Year 2 bushes, very sturdy, grafted on the best rootstock in the world right now, which gives the roses vigour and great resistance over time.

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