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French floribunda rose bred by Meilland Richardier

Red Leonardo da Vinci

Red Leonardo da Vinci

Regular price €15,10 EUR
Regular price €18,54 EUR Sale price €15,10 EUR
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The RED period of the rose current has a significant representative in the romantic work of the House Meilland Richardier, dedicated entirely to Leonardo da Vinci. A living, velvety, slightly perfumed creation, with a lush appearance that promises to be the piece du resistance in any floral art gallery hosted by any art lover who knows how to appreciate a masterpiece rose. 

Painted in a vibrant red-currant, the flowers in the Red Leonardo da Vinci creation seem to remain forever because this rose is allowed to bloom so often that it is said to have a permanent bloom. The diameter of the flowers is approximately 6-8 cm and each flower has over 90 petals, so a rich, abundant presence, with a very high durability for a very long period of time. Due to the multitude of well-branched lateral branches, its crown is dense, compact and full. 

Now, to our joy and that of our customers, Famous Roses exclusively offers the Red Leonardo da Vinci collection in Romania. But because their number is limited, it would be best to order it immediately because the stocks run out quickly. We make the delivery in the safest conditions and offer guarantee. 

Quality 1+ (premium). The bushes are from the 2nd year, they are healthy, obtained by grafting on the strongest rootstock at the moment. It gives the roses vigor and great resistance over time.

Species: Floribunda Exposure: Sun Disease resistance: Very good Flowering period: May to frost Height: 70-110 cm Planting distance: 60 cm Perfume: Yes Flower diameter: 7 cm Medals: ADR

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