Dodávame záhradné ruže do celého Slovenska. Záhradné ruže s holými koreňmi alebo v kvetináčoch.
Bratislava bude ešte krajšia, ako už je. Pretože čoskoro bude v domoch, v záhradách a v oknách Slovákov kvitnúť Eyeconic, Artemis, Pierre de Ronsard alebo Chartreuse De Parme. Tak isto aj v Košiciach, Trnave, Nitre a Prešove. Ale aj vo Zvolene, Krupine, Suranoch, Nových Zamkoch a všade kde sa nájde milovník ruží, ktorý túži naplniť svoju záhradu, ale aj život farbami, vôňou a radosťou.
A my, spoločnosť Famous Roses, sme radi, že môžeme naše slávne odrezky doručovať po celom Slovensku. Postaráme sa o to, aby každá Gertruda Jekyll, Julio Iglesias alebo Allegro dorazila bezpečne a čo najskôr k bráne akéhokoľvek záhradníka na Slovensku. Kdekoľvek sa nachádza. Pretože naše odrezky ruží dodávame všade tam, kde sa nájde milovník ruží, ktorý vie, ako rozoznať ružu tej najlepšej kvality.
Hovoríme o ružiach známych po celom svete, o ružiach, ktoré boli privezené priamo od ich tvorcov z Anglicka, Francúzska alebo Nemecka a ktoré získali medailu za svoju krásu, farbu alebo vytrvalosť na všetkých profilových súťažiach na svete.
Radšej ale necháme teba aby si objavil každú ružu a zistil, ako môžeš vo svojej záhrade mať Velasquez namaľovaný Meillandom Richardierom alebo Ines Sastre záhrad predstavených rovnakým tvorcom, ale aj mnoho ďalších známych mien vo svete ruží, ako napríklad Souvenir du Dr. Jamain, Munstead Wood, Eric Tabarly, Orange Sensation alebo Florentina.
A nezabúdaj, že nech sú tvoje oblˇúbené ktorékoľvek a kdekoľvek sa nachádzaš na Slovensku, zaistíme, aby ti krásne ruže dorazili domov v čo najkratšom čase.
Naše kríky ruží sú dodávané priamo domov v:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Želáme Vám krásny deň, plný vône a farieb! :)
Viaceslav BUHNA

All 100% natural!
Highly Scented Roses
Let’s grow those green fingers
Fill your gardenwith wonderful fragrance. We sell roses that are recognized worldwide for their intense fragrance and their surprising perfume blends.
Take a look
Eden Rose (Pierre de Ronsard)
Vendor:French climbing rose bred by Meilland Richardier5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 total reviews
Regular price €23,90 EURRegular priceUnit price / per -
Rose de Rescht
Vendor:Grown by FAMOUS ROSESRegular price €17,04 EURRegular priceUnit price / per -
Prince Jardinier
Vendor:French hybrid tea rose bred by Meilland Richardier5.0 / 5.0
(1) 1 total reviews
Regular price €18,10 EURRegular priceUnit price / per -
Jeanne Moreau
Vendor:French hybrid tea rose bred by Meilland Richardier5.0 / 5.0
(3) 3 total reviews
Regular price €19,10 EURRegular priceUnit price / per

Climbers to our hearts
Climbers/Ramblers bring new heights of beauty and elegance and put on colour displays, both vertically and horizontally.
For us it’s always a pleasure to talk to rose lovers , please feel free to reach out to us by phone: +4 0751 269 077 or by email:

Fairy tale Bouquets
A rose bouquet straight from your garden will always be appreciated. What you do need, though, are roses that would last long in a vase.
Let customers speak for us
from 52 reviews
Olen oikein tyytyväinen ruusuihin ja toimitustapaa. Suositellen!

Prince Jardinier

Famous Roses are an excellent company. I have ordered roses in pots and bare rooted from them, and each time the quality and health of the roses have been 5 star. Highly recommend this company

Jeanne Moreau

The dry rooted roses I ordered arrived on time and represented excellent quality and value. Until they root and grow I cannot review further.


I ordered from Croatia, very satisfied with the Black Parfumella shipment. I planted it in the garden, looking forward to this year's flowering. Thanks Famousroses

Red Eden Rose (Eric Tabarly)

The bare root rose was delivered on time well packed and in good condition. She is now planted in our garden. We are excited to see her in bloom .

Received my order of roses today and was impressed by the quality and value of each of the roses. Can’t wait to plant each one over the next few days.


neat packaging, prompt shipping, nice plants. very pleased.

Was dreaming about Austin roses in a certain color and could not find it anywhere in Portugal. Received them from Fanous roses, all ideally packed. During the process had the best service one can imagine. thanks!!

great...5 stars

Well, Ana and I finally did it; - we finally planted the Rose Garden that I've wanted since my early-memories of Mother's Rose Garden as a child, - and to whom did we turn for the 31 Roses? Why, our Friends at "Famous Roses", of course! Thank you, Silviu and Family!