Dostavljamo ruže za vrt diljem Hrvatske. Vrtne ruže s golim korijenjem ili u loncima.

Deseci Munstead Wood, Eric Tabarly, Orange Sensation ili Florentina spremni su za trajno preseljenje u Zagreb i Zadar. Ostale kutije reznica Allegro, Saschsengruss ili Rosarium Uetersen čekaju zauvijek ostati u vrtovima Karlovca, Siska, Rijeke ili Pazina. Ovdje će nuditi revije u boji, nudit će uzorke parfema svima onima koji im se prestanu diviti te će se popeti u srca svih ljubitelja ruža koji se znaju brinuti o njima svake sezone.
A mi u Famous Roses bit ćemo sretni svaki put kad primimo narudžbu iz Hrvatske. S bilo kojeg mjesta u Hrvatskoj. Pobrinut ćemo se da svaka Aljaska, Double Delight ili Chartreuse de Parme stigne sigurno i što je prije moguće na vrata bilo kojeg vrtlara u Buzetu ili Novigradu. Budući da svoje reznice ruža dostavljamo posvuda, veliki je ljubitelj ruža koji zna prepoznati ružu najboljeg kvaliteta.
Govorimo o ružama poznatim u cijelom svijetu, ružama koje su izravno donijeli njihovi tvorci iz Engleske, Francuske ili Njemačke i odlikovali ih ljepotom, bojom ili izdržljivošću na svim profilnim natjecanjima u svijetu.
Ali bolje da vam dopustimo da otkrijete svaku ružu i saznate kako u svom vrtu možete imati Velasquez koji je naslikala Meilland Richardier ili Ines Sastre vrtova koje je zamislio isti tvorac, ali i mnoga druga poznata imena u svijetu ruža.
I ne zaboravite da bez obzira na vaše favorite i gdje god bili u Hrvatskoj, pobrinut ćemo se da lijepe ruže stignu sigurno u vaš dom, u najkraćem roku.
Također se naši grmovi ruža isporučuju izravno u vaš dom u sljedećim zemljama:
Austrija, Belgija, Bugarska, Hrvatska, Cipar, Češka, Danska, Estonija, Finska, Francuska, Njemačka, Grčka, Mađarska, Irska, Italija, Latvija, Litva, Luksemburg, Malta, Nizozemska, Poljska, Portugal, Rumunjska, Slovačka, Slovenija, Španjolska, Švedska
Dan pun boja i mirisa! :)
Viaceslav BUHNA

All 100% natural!
Highly Scented Roses
Let’s grow those green fingers
Fill your gardenwith wonderful fragrance. We sell roses that are recognized worldwide for their intense fragrance and their surprising perfume blends.
Take a look
Pierre de Ronsard (Eden Rose) ®'
Fornecedor:French climbing rose bred by Meilland Richardier5.0 / 5.0
(2) 2 análises totais
Preço normal €23,90 EURPreço normalPreço unitário / por -
Nahema®' See More
Fornecedor:French climbing rose bred by Georges DelbardPreço normal €24,10 EURPreço normalPreço unitário / por -
Em promoção
Rose de Rescht ® - rosa para compota e calda
Fornecedor:Grown by FAMOUS ROSESPreço normal €14,90 EURPreço normalPreço unitário / por€17,04 EURPreço de saldo €14,90 EUREm promoção -
Prince Jardinier®'
Fornecedor:French hybrid tea rose bred by Meilland RichardierPreço normal €18,10 EURPreço normalPreço unitário / por

Climbers to our hearts
Climbers/Ramblers bring new heights of beauty and elegance and put on colour displays, both vertically and horizontally.
For us it’s always a pleasure to talk to rose lovers , please feel free to reach out to us by phone: +4 0751 269 077 or by email:

Fairy tale Bouquets
A rose bouquet straight from your garden will always be appreciated. What you do need, though, are roses that would last long in a vase.
Let customers speak for us
from 38 reviews

neat packaging, prompt shipping, nice plants. very pleased.

Was dreaming about Austin roses in a certain color and could not find it anywhere in Portugal. Received them from Fanous roses, all ideally packed. During the process had the best service one can imagine. thanks!!

great...5 stars

Well, Ana and I finally did it; - we finally planted the Rose Garden that I've wanted since my early-memories of Mother's Rose Garden as a child, - and to whom did we turn for the 31 Roses? Why, our Friends at "Famous Roses", of course! Thank you, Silviu and Family!

Beautiful Roses.❤️

It arrived in good condition. I hope it will be ok.

I planted this bare root rose about a week ago and it has already started producing buds. I love it!

Princess Alexandra of Kent ®

very beautiful roses cant wait to see it grow thank you


I received both Pierre Cardin and Double delight, packed meticulously. The plants were in perfect condition, ready to be planted. As I live in Bulgaria, I'd like to assure everyone who also lives here - the roses are perfect, the delivery is prompt and flawless. Will definitely be ordering again.

Le Rouge et Le Noire ®


Fantastic service , great communication and rose bushes arrived in perfect condition. Thank you