Rose bushes for Luxembourg. We deliver bare root and potted garden roses all over Luxembourg.

Rose bushes for Luxembourg. We deliver bare root and potted garden roses all over Luxembourg.

We are ready for orders from all over Luxembourg. Which is why we have prepared a few Gertrude Jekyll, a couple of Julio Iglesias, as well as our whole climber collection, a lot of fragranced varieties, several edible roses and a lot of our spectacular Floribundas.

We will make sure that any rose will make it safely and as quickly as possible to Dudelange, Ettelbruck, Mersch, Rambrouch and Wiltz, as well as anywhere else in Luxembourg we can find a rose lover who knows his high-quality roses.

It’s all about world famous roses, brought straight from their French, English or German breeders. These roses are award winners in competitions around the world, prized for their beauty, colour or resistance.

We would rather let you discover each and every rose and find out how you can bring into your garden a Velasquez painted by Meilland Richardier or an Ines Sastre of the gardens created by the same breeder. Maybe you would like other famous names from the world of roses, like Souvenir du Docteur Jamain, Munstead Wood, Eric Tabarly, Orange Sensation or Florentina.

Remember that no matter which is your favourite or where you are located in Luxembourg, we will make sure that our beautiful roses make it quickly and safely to your home.

Allt 100% naturligt!

Mycket doftande rosor

Låt oss odla dessa gröna fingrar

Fyll din trädgård med underbar doft. Vi säljer rosor som är kända över hela världen för sin intensiva doft och sina överraskande parfymblandningar.


Klättrare till våra hjärtan

Klättrare/Ramblers ger nya höjder av skönhet och elegans och sätter upp färgskärmar, både vertikalt och horisontellt.


För oss är det alltid ett nöje att prata med rosenälskare, kontakta oss gärna på telefon: +4 0751 269 077 eller via e-post:

Saga buketter

En rosbukett direkt från din trädgård kommer alltid att uppskattas. Vad du dock behöver är rosor som håller länge i en vas.